Tumor microenvironment (TME) is a dynamic network that apart from tumor cells includes also cells of the immune system, e.g., neutrophils, which are recruited from blood circulation. In TME, neutrophils are strongly implicated in the direct and indirect interactions with tumor cells or other immune cells, and they play roles in both preventing and/or facilitating tumor progression and metastasis. The dual role of neutrophils is determined by their high plasticity and heterogeneity. Analogous to the macrophages, neutrophils can express antitumoral (N1) and protumoral (N2) phenotypes which differ substantially in morphology and function. N1 phenotype characterizes with a high cytotoxic and proinflammatory activities, while N2 phenotype with immunosuppressive and prometastatic properties. The antitumoral effect of neutrophils includes for example the production of reactive oxygen species or proapoptotic molecules. The protumoral action of neutrophils relies on releasing of proangiogenic and prometastatic mediators, immunosuppressive factors, as well as on direct helping tumor cells in extravasation process. This chapter summarizes the heterogeneity of neutrophils in TME, as well as their dual role on tumor cells.