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Four new species of Russulasubsect.Cyanoxanthinae from China (Russulales, Russulaceae).

Yanliu ChenBin ChenRuoxi LiangShengkun WangMengya AnJinhua ZhangJingying LiangYaxin WangXuelian GaoJunfeng Liang
Published in: MycoKeys (2024)
Four new species of Russulasubsect.Cyanoxanthinae, viz. Russulaatrochermesina Y.L. Chen & J.F. Liang, R.lavandula Y.L. Chen, B. Chen & J.F. Liang, R.lilaceofusca Y.L. Chen & J.F. Liang and R.perviridis Y.L. Chen, B. Chen & J.F. Liang, from China are proposed, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Russulaatrochermesina can be distinguished by its violet pileus with tuberculate-striate margin, distant lamellae that stain greyish-yellow when bruised, basidiospores ornamented by isolated warts, wide hymenial cystidia on lamellae edges, cystidia content negative reaction in sulphovanillin and branched subterminal cells in pileipellis. Russulalavandula has a purplish-white to violet red pileus with a yellow centre, frequently present lamellulae and furcations, stipe often with pale yellow near the base, isolated basidiospores ornamentation and unbranched cuticular hyphal terminations, while R.lilaceofusca is characterised by its lilac brown to dark brown pileus, crowded lamellae with lamellulae and furcations, stipe often turning reddish-yellow when bruised, subreticulate basidiospores ornamentation and clavate hymenial cystidia often with capitate appendage whose contents that change to reddish-black in sulphovanillin. Russulaperviridis is characterised by its large basidiomata, smooth pileus surface, frequently present lamellulae and furcations, stipe with yellow-brown tinge, globose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores with subreticulate ornamentation, long hymenial cystidia that turn greyish-black in sulphovanillin and symbiotic with Quercussemecarpifolia . Phylogenetic analyses, based on multi-gene ITS+LSU+mtSSU+ rpb2 , indicate that R.atrochermesina , R.lavandula , R.lilaceofusca and R.perviridis are closely related to R.pallidirosea and R.purpureorosea , R.banwatchanensis , R.lakhanpalii and R.nigrovirens , respectively.
  • induced apoptosis
  • candida albicans
  • genome wide
  • cell proliferation
  • signaling pathway
  • living cells
  • sensitive detection
  • fluorescent probe
  • genome wide analysis