Author Correction: Bi-directional cell-pericellular matrix interactions direct stem cell fate.
Silvia A FerreiraMeghna S MotwaniPeter A FaullAlexis J SeymourTracy T L YuMarjan EnayatiDheraj K TaheemChristoph SalzlechnerTabasom HaghighiEwa M KaniaOommenp P OommenTarek AhmedSandra LoaizaKatarzyna ParzychFrancesco DazziOommen P VargheseFrederic FestyAgamemnon E GrigoriadisHolger W AunerAmbrosius P SnijdersLaurent BozecEileen GentlemanPublished in: Nature communications (2018)
In the original version of this Article the dataset identifier in the Data Availability statement was incorrect. The correct dataset identifier is PXD009500. This has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of this Article.