Population admixture in Chinese and European Sus scrofa.
Minhui ChenGuosheng SuJinluan FuQin ZhangAiguo WangMogens Sandø LundBernt GuldbrandtsenPublished in: Scientific reports (2017)
Relationships between different populations were investigated using Porcine 60 K data from 1,135 domestic pigs and wild boars across Europe and China. The results indicate that most European breeds have been introgressed with Chinese ancestry, but the extent of introgression varies considerably among breeds. Moreover, the main source of this introgression is pigs from South China, closely related to Bamaxiang and Dongshan pigs. Contributions from East and Central Chinese pig breeds are also detectable. Phylogeny reconstruction places European wild boars among European domestic breeds. Coalescent simulations indicate that this may be the result of gene flow from European wild boars to European domestic pigs. These results will facilitate further genomic studies such as genome-wide association studies, selection signature detection and genomic prediction.