High-Gain Wideband Circularly Polarised Fabry-Perot Resonator Array Antenna Using a Single-Layered Pixelated PRS for Millimetre-Wave Applications.
Nouredddine MeloukiAbdesselam HociniFatima Zahra FegrichePeyman PourMohammadiHassan NaseriAmjad IqbalTayeb A DenidniPublished in: Micromachines (2022)
In this paper, a wideband and high-gain circular polarised Fabry-Perot Resonator Antenna (FPRA) with a single partially reflective surface (PRS) layer is automatically generated and optimised using a VBA-based interface system between CST Microwave studio and Matlab. The proposed PRS layer is a promising superstrate for wideband and high-gain FP resonator antennas due to its relatively high reflection coefficient magnitude and positive phase gradient, which resemble that of the optimum PRS over the relevant frequency band. The circular polarisation was achieved using a sequential feeding network for a 2 × 2 array air-gapped slot-coupled elliptical patch antenna. The proposed design achieved an impedance bandwidth of 48.58% (15.3 GHz) ranging from 23.84 GHz to 39.14 GHz, and the -3 dB gain bandwidth was 22.42% (6.25 GHz) from 24.75 to 31 GHz, with a peak gain of 17.12 dB at 29 GHz, and an axial ratio bandwidth of 21.75% (6.2 GHz). In addition, the achieved radiation efficiency was 90%. Consistent and almost invariant radiation patterns are achieved over the millimetre-wave frequency band of interest. The experimental and simulated results are in good agreement, justifying the feasibility of the proposed design as a high-gain and wideband FP resonator array antenna for Mm-wave applications.