Further studies on the diversity of Cylicospirura Vevers, 1922 (Nematoda: Spirocercidae) in African carnivores, with description of a new species.
Kerstin JunkerLin-Mari de Klerk-LoristChris FogginCoralie MartinYasen MutafchievPublished in: Parasitology (2024)
Cylicospirura Vevers, 1922 is a genus of gastrointestinal spirurid nematodes parasitizing mainly felid but also canid, hyaenid and dasyurid hosts. Presently, 11 species are recognized worldwide, of which 4, Cylicospirura subaequalis , Cylicospirura felinea , Cylicospirura crocutae and Cylicospirura pardalis , have been recorded from African carnivores. In the present study, we describe Cylicospirura phiri n. sp. from hyaenas, namely Crocuta crocuta (type host) in Zimbabwe and Hyaena hyaena in Cameroon. The new species is the second species in the genus with bicuspid teeth. Furthermore, it can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters, such as the absence of accessory teeth, the length and shape of the muscular oesophagus, position of the nerve ring, deirids and excretory pore in relation to the muscular oesophagus, the position of the vulva, spicule length and the shape of the female tail. Additionally, based on new material, detailed morphological descriptions are provided for C. crocutae and C. pardalis whose original descriptions were based on fragmented material. The material from Felis lybica , currently deposited as C. subaequalis , is described as C. felinea . First-time scanning electron micrographs are presented for the 4 species confirmed in African carnivores.