Dimerization of the Glucocorticoid Receptor and Its Importance in (Patho)physiology: A Primer.
Steven TimmermansJolien VandewalleClaude LibertPublished in: Cells (2022)
The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a very versatile protein that comes in several forms, interacts with many proteins and has multiple functions. Numerous therapies are based on GRs' actions but the occurrence of side effects and reduced responses to glucocorticoids have motivated scientists to study GRs in great detail. The notion that GRs can perform functions as a monomeric protein, but also as a homodimer has raised questions about the underlying mechanisms, structural aspects of dimerization, influencing factors and biological functions. In this review paper, we are providing an overview of the current knowledge and insights about this important aspect of GR biology.