Engineering the defect distribution in ZnO nanorods through laser irradiation.
Shuo ZhengZuolong ChenWalter W DuleyYimin A WuPeng PengNorman Y ZhouPublished in: Nanotechnology (2023)
In recent years, defect engineering has shown great potential to improve the properties of metal oxide nanomaterials for various applications thus received extensive investigations. While traditional techniques mostly focus on controlling the defects during the synthesis of the material, laser irradiation has emerged as a promising post-deposition technique to further modulate the properties of defects yet there is still limited information. In this article, defects such as oxygen vacancies are tailored in ZnO nanorods through nanosecond (ns) laser irradiation. The relation between laser parameters and the temperature rise in the ZnO due to laser heating was established based on the observation in the SEM and the simulation. Raman spectra indicated that the concentration of the oxygen vacancies in the ZnO is temperature-dependent and can be controlled by changing the laser fluence and exposure time. This is also supported by the absorption spectra and the photoluminescence spectra of ZnO NRs irradiated under these conditions. On the other hand, the distribution of the oxygen vacancies was studied by XPS depth profiling, and it was confirmed that the surface-to-bulk ratio of the oxygen vacancies can be modulated by varying the laser fluence and exposure time. Based on these results, four distinctive regimes containing different ratios of surface-to-bulk oxygen vacancies have been identified. Laser-processed ZnO nanorods were also used as the catalyst for the photocatalytic degradation of RhB dye to demonstrate the efficacy of this laser engineering technique.