Air pollution monitoring locations are typically spatially misaligned with locations of participants in a cohort study, so to analyze pollution-health associations, exposures must be predicted at subject locations. For a pollution measure like PM2.5 (fine particulate matter) comprised of multiple chemical components, the predictive principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm derives a low-dimensional representation of component profiles for use in health analyses. Geographic covariates and spatial splines help determine the principal component loadings of the pollution data to give improved prediction accuracy of the principal component scores. While predictive PCA can accommodate pollution data of arbitrary dimension, it is currently limited to a small number of pre-selected geographic covariates. We propose an adaptive predictive PCA algorithm, which automatically identifies a combination of covariates that is most informative in choosing the principal component directions in the pollutant space. We show that adaptive predictive PCA improves the accuracy of multi-pollutant exposure predictions at subject locations.