Concerto of movement: how expertise shapes the synergistic control of upper limb muscles in complex motor tasks with varying tempo and dynamics.

Subing HuangJodie J XieKelvin Y S LauRichard LiuArthur Dun-Ping MakVincent C K CheungRosa H M Chan
Published in: Journal of neural engineering (2024)
Objective . This research aims to reveal how the synergistic control of upper limb muscles adapts to varying requirements in complex motor tasks and how expertise shapes the motor modules. Approach . We study the muscle synergies of a complex, highly skilled and flexible task-piano playing-and characterize expertise-related muscle-synergy control that permits the experts to effortlessly execute the same task at different tempo and force levels. Surface EMGs (28 muscles) were recorded from adult novice ( N = 10) and expert ( N = 10) pianists as they played scales and arpeggios at different tempo-force combinations. Muscle synergies were factorized from EMGs. Main results . We found that experts were able to cover both tempo and dynamic ranges using similar synergy selections and achieved better performance, while novices altered synergy selections more to adapt to the changing tempi and keystroke intensities compared with experts. Both groups relied on fine-tuning the muscle weights within specific synergies to accomplish the different task styles, while the experts could tune the muscles in a greater number of synergies, especially when changing the tempo, and switch tempo over a wider range. Significance . Our study sheds light on the control mechanism underpinning expertise-related motor flexibility in highly skilled motor tasks that require decade-long training. Our results have implications on musical and sports training, as well as motor prosthetic design.