This research introduces a revolutionary machinet learning algorithm-based quality estimation and grading system. The suggested work is divided into four main parts: Ppre-processing, neutroscopic model transformation, Feature Extraction, and Grading. The raw images are first pre-processed by following five major stages: read, resize, noise removal, contrast enhancement via CLAHE, and Smoothing via filtering. The pre-processed images are then converted into a neutrosophic domain for more effective mango grading. The image is processed under a new Geometric Mean based neutrosophic approach to transforming it into the neutrosophic domain. Finally, the prediction of TSS for the different chilling conditions is done by Improved Deep Belief Network (IDBN) and based on this; the grading of mango is done automatically as the model is already trained with it. Here, the prediction of TSS is carried out under the consideration of SSC, firmness, and TAC. A comparison between the proposed and traditional methods is carried out to confirm the efficacy of various metrics.