Impact of physical fitness and exercise training on subcutaneous adipose tissue beiging markers in humans with and without diabetes and a high-fat diet-fed mouse model.
Kálmán BódisSaida BreuerAssja Crepzia-PevznerOana-Patricia ZahariaMartin SchönNina SaatmannDelsi AltenhofenChristian SpringerJulia SzendroediRobert WagnerHadi Al-HasaniMichael RodenDominik Hans PestaAlexandra Chadtnull nullPublished in: Diabetes, obesity & metabolism (2023)
Higher physical fitness and different exercise interventions associated with higher gene expression levels of the beiging marker CD137 in healthy humans and mice on a high-fat diet. Humans with recent-onset type 2 diabetes show an impaired adipose tissue-specific response to physical activity.