How Interest in Phages Has Bloomed into a Leading Medical Research Activity in Poland.

Maciej ŻaczekAndrzej GórskiAndrzej E GrzybowskiEdyta PasternakBeata Weber-DąbrowskaRyszard Międzybrodzki
Published in: Viruses (2022)
Poland has a leading position in phage therapy, as reflected by the number of patients treated and relevant publications in quality journals. The Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences was established by Ludwik Hirszfeld, a prominent microbiologist and serologist who also initiated studies on phages and pioneered the activities that set into motion phage therapy at the Institute. To achieve this goal, Hirszfeld had to overcome many difficulties in a post-war Poland. He died a month before the official start of the Institute's activity and was not able to witness the advancement of the Institute bearing his name. However, his hard work and dedication have been recently rewarded. In a recent evaluation of scientific performance, the Institute received the highest ranking in medical sciences among all universities and research institutions in Poland. One could consider it a posthumous tribute to the memory of L. Hirszfeld, being well-deserved on the grounds of the Institute's achievements (especially in the field of phage therapy) as well as his life and work.