During neural development, sculpting of early formed circuits by cell death and synaptic pruning is necessary to generate a functional and efficient nervous system. This allows for the establishment of rudimentary circuits which necessitate early organism survival to later undergo subsequent refinement. These changes facilitate additional specificity to stimuli which can lead to increased behavioral complexity. In multiple species, Rohon-Beard neurons (RBs) are the earliest mechanosensory neurons specified and are critical in establishing a rudimentary motor response circuit. Sensory input from RBs gradually becomes redundant as dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons develop and integrate into motor circuits. Previous studies demonstrate that RBs undergo a dramatic wave of cell death concurrent with development of the DRG. However, contrary to these studies, we show that neurogenin1 + (ngn1) RBs do not undergo a widespread wave of programmed cell death during early zebrafish development and instead persist until at least 15 days post fertilization (dpf). Starting at 2 dpf, we also observed a dramatic medialization and shrinkage of ngn1 + RB somas along with a gradual downregulation of ngn1 in RBs. This alters a fundamental premise of early zebrafish neural development and opens new avenues to explore mechanisms of RB function, persistence, and circuit refinement.