This research paper addresses the hypothesis that mast cells (MCs) contribute to the formation of mammary fibrosis. MCs are important immune regulatory and immune modulatory cells that play major roles in the inflammatory process. Since there is no detailed knowledge, this research study aimed to comparatively investigate the presence, localization, and immunophenotypes of MCs in healthy and mastitic mammary tissues. A total of 264 mammary samples were evaluated for the examination of mast cells and fibrosis. The mean mast cell number in both acute and chronic mastitis samples were very significantly higher than the control group P < 0.001). A 7.9-fold increase in the number of mast cells was found when the chronic mastitis group was compared with the control (healthy) group. Immunohistochemistry revealed presence of all three immune phenotypes in control and mastitic mammary samples (tryptase + (MC T ), chymase + (MC C ) and both chymase and tryptase + (MC TC ). The mean MC T , MC C , and MC TC numbers in the chronic mastitis group were found to be significantly higher than the control ( P < 0.001 for all three phenotypes) but did not differ significantly between control and acute mastitis samples. When the mean numbers of MC T , MC C , and MC TC in the control group and chronic mastitis group were compared, a 10.5, 7.8, and a 4.1-fold increase was observed, respectively. The amount of connective tissue was strongly increased in tissues with chronic mastitis and a 3.01-fold increase was detected compared to the control group. A statistically significant relation was also found between the amount of fibrosis and the increased number of total MCs ( P < 0.001).