Comparing Shear Bond Strength Between Pink Opaquer and Other Tooth-Colored Restorative Materials on Demineralized Dentin Treated with Silver Diammine Fluoride.
Kaveh GhodsJung-Wei ChenRoberto SavignanoJuimin SuPublished in: Pediatric dentistry (2024)
Purpose: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the effect of silver diammine fluoride (SDF) on the shear bond strength (SBS) of pink opaquer (PO) compared to resin-modified glass ionomer (RMGI) and conventional composite (COMP) on demineralized dentin, and also to investigate the mode of failure (MOF). Methods: Sixty extracted third molars were prepared, demineralized for 14 days, and divided into four groups: (1) COMP; (2) SDF+PO; (3) SDF+RMGI; and (4) SDF+COMP (restoration size: two by two mm). SBS, MOF, modified adhesive remnant index (MARI), and remnant adhesive volume (RAV) were evaluated using an Instron® machine, light microscopy, 3D digital scanner ( 3Shape©), and GeoMagic Wrap© software. Results: There was no significant difference in SBS (MPa) among the COMP mean??standard deviation (2.5±1.59), SDF+COMP (2.28±1.05), SDF+PO (3.31±2.63), and SDF+RMGI groups (3.74±2.34). There was no significant difference in MOF and MARI among the four groups (P>0.05). There was no significant difference in RAV (mm3) among the COMP (0.5±0.33), SDF+COMP (0.39±0.44), SDF+PO (0.42±0.38), and SDF+RMGI groups (0.42±0.38; P>0.05). A significant correlation existed between MOF and RAV (R equals 0.721; P<0.001). MOF, MARI, and RAV did not show any correlations with SBS (P>0.05). Conclusions: Silver diammine fluoride does not affect shear bond strength between carious dentinal surface and tooth color restorative materials. The amount of material left on the interface is not related to the amount of shear force needed to break the restoration.