On the specific status of Scelimenaspicupennis and a new record of S.discalis from China with mitochondrial genome characterization (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae).

Ying-Can QinJing LiuXiao-Dong LiYa-Zhen ChenWei-An Deng
Published in: ZooKeys (2023)
The genus Scelimena Serville (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) from China is reviewed. One species, Scelimenaspicupennis Zheng & Ou, 2003 (China: Yunnan) is redescribed, and a new record of Scelimenadiscalis (Hancock, 1915) from China is given. An annotated identification key for Chinese species of the genus Scelimena is provided. Mitochondrial genes of S.spicupennis and S.discalis were sequenced and annotated. The sizes of the two sequenced mitogenomes are 17,552 bp ( S.discalis ), and 16,069 bp ( S.spicupennis ), respectively. All of the PCGs started with the typical ATN (ATT, ATC or ATG) or TTG codon and most ended with complete TAA or TAG codon, with the exception of the ND5 gene, which terminated with an incomplete T. The mitochondrial genomes for these two recorded species are provided, and the constructed phylogenetic tree supports their morphological taxonomic classification. The topology of the phylogenetic tree showed that three species of Scelimena were clustered into one branch and formed a monophyletic and a holophyletic group.