Direct Probe of the Ferromagnetic Proximity Effect at the Interface of SnTe/Fe Heterostructure by Polarized Neutron Reflectometry.
Ryota AkiyamaRyo IshikawaKazuhiro Akutsu-SuyamaRyosuke NakanishiYuta TomohiroKazumi WatanabeKazuki IidaMasanori MitomeShuji HasegawaShinji KurodaPublished in: The journal of physical chemistry letters (2022)
Introducing magnetic order into a topological insulator (TI) system has attracted much attention with an expectation of realizing exotic phenomena such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect (QAHE) and axion insulator states. The magnetic proximity effect (MPE) is one of the promising schemes to induce the magnetic order on the surface of a TI without introducing disorder accompanied by doping magnetic impurities in the TI. In this study, we investigate the MPE at the interface of a heterostructure consisting of the topological crystalline insulator (TCI) SnTe and Fe by employing polarized neutron reflectometry. The ferromagnetic order penetrates ∼2.2 nm deep into the SnTe layer from the interface with Fe, which persists up to room temperature. This is induced by the MPE on the surface of the TCI preserving the coherent topological states without introducing the disorder by doping magnetic impurities. This would open up a way for realizing next-generation spintronics and quantum computational devices.