The PENG block (pericapsular nerve group) is a recently described technique to address the innervation of the hip, one of the most complex anatomical regions to treat at the locoregional level. We present the case of a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia complicated by avascular necrosis of the bilateral femoral head and previous history of severe chronic pain with probable central sensitization to opioids and a severe thrombocytopenia due to myelotoxicity from chemotherapy treatment. Given the need for orthopaedic surgery to manage femoral necrosis and in anticipation of complex perioperative pain management, a multimodal strategy was planned including bilateral ultrasound-guided continuous PENG blocks to achieve proper pain control in the perioperative period and promote early recovery. The operation and initial recovery were uneventful and the patient was discharged to the ward within 24 h and started early rehabilitation as planned. The patient had a successful recovery with good functionality.