Prevalence of symptomatic axial osteoarthritis phenotypes in Spain and associated socio-demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle variables.

Maite Silva-DíazFrancisco Javier BlancoVíctor Quevedo VilaDaniel Seoane-MatoFernando Pérez-RuizAntonio Juan-MasJosé M Pego-ReigosaJavier NarváezNeus QuilisRaúl CortésAntonio Romero PérezDolores Fábregas CanalesTeresa Font GayáCarolina Bordoy FerrerFrancisco Javier Prado-GalbarroCarlos Sánchez-PiedraFederico Díaz-GonzálezSagrario Bustabad-Reyesnull null
Published in: Rheumatology international (2021)
This is the first study on the prevalence of axial OA phenotypes in Europe describing the associated socio-demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle variables.