Recommendations for physical activity and exercise in persons living with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE): consensus by an international task force.

Julien BlaessSophie GenetonThibaut GoepfertSimone AppenzellerGabriel BordierThomas DavergneYurilis FuentesHåvard HagloKaren HamblyDominique Kinnett-HopkinsKuei-Ying SuAlexandra LeggeLinda LiAnselm MakIvan PadjenSavino SciasciaSaira Z SheikhAlberto Soriano-MaldonadoManuel F Ugarte-GilMd Yuzaiful Md YusofIoannis ParodisLaurent Arnaud
Published in: RMD open (2024)
In summary, the consensus reached by the international task force provides a valuable framework for the integration of physical activity and exercise into the management of SLE, offering a tailored evidence-based and eminence-based approach to enhance the well-being of individuals living with this challenging autoimmune condition.