Pancreaticopleural fistula: a rare cause of pleural empyema.

Wies VanderbruggenVicky DhoogheBart BrackeVera HartmanGeert RoeyenDirk YsebaertPaul E Y Van SchilThiery Chapelle
Published in: Acta chirurgica Belgica (2018)
Aim: Pancreaticopleural fistula (PPF) is a rare complication of acute or chronic pancreatitis. When the pancreatic duct disrupts, pancreatic fluid may leak into the retroperitoneum and fistulate into the pleural cavity. Patients usually present with thoracic complaints, making it hard to suspect an abdominal etiology. Although PPF is uncommon, one must consider this diagnosis in patients with thoracic complaints and a history of alcohol abuse or pancreatitis. Methods: We present an illustrative case and review of the literature on PPF. Results: A 47-year old man was presented with recurrent PPF due to pancreas divisum, pancreatic stones and chronic exudative pancreatitis, resulting in unilateral empyema. After initial conservative treatment, operative measures were needed. We report omentoplasty against the diaphragmatic hiatus in combination with VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery) thoracotomy with decortication and debridement as a feasible operative option for resolving PPF. Conclusion: PPF is a rare complication of pancreatitis. The diagnosis is difficult to make and can be confirmed by thoracocentesis and proper imaging, preferably MRCP. Treatment options include conservative, endoscopic (ERCP) or surgical measures. Omentoplasty positioned against the diaphragmatic hiatus is a feasible technique for closure of PPF.