Dealing with a hairy beast-larval morphology and chaetotaxy of the Australian endemic diving beetle genus Spencerhydrus (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Cybistrini).
Mariano C MichatYves AlarieChris H S WattsPublished in: ZooKeys (2019)
In this contribution, the larval morphology of Spencerhydrus Sharp, 1882 was studied, an Australian endemic genus in the diving beetle tribe Cybistrini. All instars of the only two species included in the genus (S. latecinctus Sharp, 1882 and S. pulchellus Sharp, 1882) are described and illustrated with the exception of the third instar of S. latecinctus. Detailed morphometric and primary chaetotaxic analyses were performed to discover useful characters for generic diagnosis and species distinction. Spencerhydrus can be distinguished from other Cybistrini genera by the medial projection of frontoclypeus slightly indented apically, with lamellae clypeales directed forward in a characteristic V-shaped pattern, the median process of prementum strongly developed, the presence of a single ventral sclerite on prothorax, the presence of basoventral spinulae on claws, and the reduced sclerotization of the abdominal segment VII which covers only the anterior half. Larvae of the two species of Spencerhydrus can readily be distinguished by the shape of the median process of prementum, which is visibly broader in S. pulchellus than in S. latecinctus.