Achondroplasia Natural History Study (CLARITY): a multicenter retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the United States.

Julie Elizabeth Hoover-FongAdekemi Y AladeS Shahrukh HashmiJacqueline T HechtJanet M LegareMary Ellen LittleChengxin LiuJohn McGreadyPeggy ModaffRichard M PauliDavid F Rodriguez-BuriticaKerry J SchulzeMaria Elena SernaCory J SmidMichael B Bober
Published in: Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics (2021)
This is the largest multicenter achondroplasia natural history study, providing a vast array of medical information for use in caring for these patients. This well-phenotyped cohort is a reference population against which future medical and surgical interventions can be compared.