Which swallowing difficulty of food consistency is best predictor for oropharyngeal dysphagia risk in older person?

Ebru Karaca UmaySibel EyigorAli Yavuz KarahanDilek KeskinGulten KaracaZeliha UnluCanan TıkızMeltem VuralBanu AydenizEbru AlemdarogluEmine Esra BilirAyse YalımanEkin Ilke SenMazlum Serdar AkaltunOzlem AltındagBetul Yavuz KelesMeral BilgilisoyZeynep Alev OzceteAylin DemirhanIbrahim Gundogdu
Published in: European geriatric medicine (2019)
While eating difficulty of hard solid food is the most common symptom in healthy participants over 65 years of age, the eating difficulty of thick liquids is the highest predictive value related to oropharyngeal dysphagia risk. Also, the eating difficulty of mixed content food had the highest diagnostic ratio.