Dispersion pattern of Mansonia in the surroundings of the Amazon Jirau Hydroelectric Power Plant.
Cecilia Ferreira de MelloJeronimo AlencarPublished in: Scientific reports (2021)
Mansonia spp. are voracious hematophagous mosquitoes whose mature stages usually breed in freshwater bodies containing aquatic vegetation. The reduction in water flow leads to a proliferation in aquatic plants, increasing their populations. Besides, some species are potential vectors of pathogens such as arboviruses and microfilariae. We evaluated the degree of active dispersion of females of Mansonia spp. in the surrounding area of the Jirau hydroelectric power plant in the Amazon, Rondônia, Brazil, using mark-release-recapture techniques. The flight behavior of the recaptured specimens was summarized with a set of average and maximum distances traveled. We show that the dispersal movement of Mansonia spp. is predominantly performed by random, low, and short flights, with a tendency to remain near the breeding sites in certain vegetation fragments. However, the maximum distances traveled were 2000 m from the release point for Mansonia amazonensis during 2018 and Mansonia humeralis during 2019.