ZAG (Zinc-Alpha 2 Glycoprotein) Serum Levels in Girls with Anorexia Nervosa.
Jarzumbek AnnaŚwiętochowska ElżbietaMizgała-Izworska ElżbietaGołąb-Jenerał KatarzynaBąk-Drabik KatarzynaZiora KatarzynaPublished in: Journal of clinical medicine (2023)
The higher blood concentrations of ZAG in girls with AN compared to healthy subjects seemed to constitute a secondary adaptation mechanism in response to the undernourishment status. ZAG blood concentration values correlated negatively with body mass, BMI, Cole's index, the level of insulin, and the HOMA-IR score, whereas they correlated positively with the level of cortisol. Increased ZAG levels in AN patients may result from increased levels of cortisol, manifesting in malfunction along the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which in effect can promote body weight loss.