A realist evaluation of policy interventions to reduce public subsidies of private dental care in Finland.
Märt VesinurmOlli HalminenMiika LinnaHennamari MikkolaPaul LillrankPublished in: Community dentistry and oral epidemiology (2023)
The policy changes had tangible effects on both the private and public sectors of the Finnish dental care market. By reducing subsidies, the private sector became more expensive for patients, causing many to transition to the public sector for their dental needs. While the public sector increased its capacity to accommodate the rise in patients, the demand still outpaced the growth in professionals, hinting at capacity or resource constraints in the public sector. The results also show initial evidence that contrary to the objectives, the policy changes increased the cost to the public sector as subsidized patient cared for in the private sector costs less to the government than treating that same patient in the public sector.