Heritability of Age at Menarche in Nigerian Adolescent Twins.
Yoon-Mi HurJong-Min RaPublished in: Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (2022)
Heritability of age at menarche (AAM) in African populations remains largely unknown. A question on AAM was given to 1803 [454 monozygotic (MZ), 823 same-sex dizygotic (DZ), and 526 female members of opposite sex] adolescent twins attending public schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. The age range of the sample was 12-18 years, with a mean (SD) of 14.57 (±1.70) years. The data included 905 missing cases consisting of those who had not experienced menarche and did not recall AAM. Missing values were imputed using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Kaplan-Meier analysis based on the imputed data yielded 13.23 years [95% CI [13.18, 13.28] for the mean and 13.00 years [95% CI [12.96, 13.04] for the median of AAM. Twin correlation and model-fitting analyses were performed on the basis of those who reported AAM (MZ = 82 complete pairs and 38 cotwin missing cases; DZ = 157 complete pairs and 99 cotwin missing cases). Maximum likelihood MZ and DZ twin correlations for AAM were .63 (95% CI [.48, .74]) and .33 (95% CI [.19, .45]) respectively. Model-fitting analyses indicated that 58% (95% CI [46, 67]) of the variance of AAM was associated with additive genetic influences with the remaining variance, 42% (33-54) being due to nonshared environmental influences including measurement error. The heritability estimate found in this study was within the range of those found in Asian and Western twin samples.