The American Nurses Association (ANA) is responsible for the contract between society and the nursing profession, including the nursing scope and standards of practice. In 2015, an ANA workgroup produced Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 3rd Ed during a time of social change and an increase of culturally and ethnically diverse consumers. Subsequently, a subset of workgroup members and an invited transcultural nursing expert led to the creation of the new Standard 8: Culturally Congruent Practice, describing nursing care that is in agreement with the preferred values, beliefs, worldview, and practices of the healthcare consumer. This article records the history of the revised scope and standards and new Standard 8, the reasoning behind this standard and its impact on nursing practice, education, and research. The article also guides nurses in the application of Standard 8 to nursing practice and offers discussion about implementing culturally congruent practice through the nursing process. We also discuss cultural congruence for the graduate-prepared nurse; offer brief comments related to evaluation of culturally congruent practice using Standard 8 and future research; and conclude with a call to action.