Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus Linnaeus, 1758) Tongue Morphology and Adaptive Herbivorous Implications.
Lucas Inácio Dos Santos MeloRadan Elvis Matias de OliveiraAna Caroline Freitas Caetano de SousaRysónely Maclay de OliveiraMariana Almeida LimaAna Bernadete Lima FragosoFlávio José de Lima SilvaFernanda Loffler Niemeyer AttademoFábia de Oliveira LunaAlexsandra Fernandes PereiraMoacir Franco de OliveiraPublished in: Microscopy and microanalysis : the official journal of Microscopy Society of America, Microbeam Analysis Society, Microscopical Society of Canada (2023)
Morphological study of the tongue is an interesting way of understanding evolutionary processes associated with feeding habits. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to describe the tongue morphology of the Antillean manatee and to understand possible morphological relationships with its way of capturing food. Macroscopic dissections and light and scanning electron microscopy analyses of seven manatee tongues were performed. The tongue in Antillean manatees is a muscular and robust organ, divided into apex, body, and root. It is firmly adhered to the floor of the oral cavity. Lingual papillae were distributed over the entire tongue surface. They were identified as filiform papillae concentrated in the apex. Fungiform papillae were present on the apex and lateral regions. Foliate papillae were located on the dorsolateral portion of the root. Lentiform papillae were located across the dorsal tongue surface. The mucosa was lined by a keratinized stratified squamous epithelium presenting compound tubuloacinar glands and taste buds in the foliate papillae. The tongue of the Antillean manatee is similar to other Sirenia species, both of which share a completely herbivorous diet.