Salmonella spp. infections in animals are a concern due to their zoonotic nature, welfare effects and economic impact on the livestock industry. To enable targeted surveillance, it is important to identify risk factors for the introduction of Salmonella spp. in a herd. Since 2009, Dutch dairy processors require herds delivering milk to their plants to participate in a Salmonella programme. In this programme, bulk milk is tested three times a year (i.e. test rounds) by ELISA on presence of antibodies against Salmonella spp. serogroups B and D. Based on these bulk milk results we identified newly infected herds, and aimed to identify associated risk factors. Effects of putative risk factors for becoming newly infected were studied using a multivariable population average logistic regression (PA-GEE) model with binomial distribution. Per test round in 2019-2021, 0.85-4.10 % of the Dutch dairy herds at risk became newly infected, with large regional differences. Several risk factors for becoming newly infected in the context of the low herd-level prevalence were identified. The most evident risk factors that were identified were having at least one infected or recently recovered dairy herd within 500 m (OR = 2.67), on-farm presence of pigs (OR = 1.63), introduction of more than 2 cattle from other herds in the previous 12 months (OR = 1.17), being in an area with a relative soil moisture of >0.54 % (OR = 1.31), being located in an area with a high water surface area (>2 %; OR = 1.14) and a larger herd size (OR = 1.65). These results indicate that, in addition to introduction of cattle, local transmission plays an important role in the between-herd transmission of Salmonella spp. Information on risk factors for becoming newly infected based on regularly collected data, can be used to improve surveillance and to implement targeted control measures against salmonellosis.