Tinospora cordifolia modulates the seminal parameters, leakage of intracellular enzymes and seminal antioxidants in equilibrated and cryopreserved semen of Sahiwal bulls.
null PrashantP TomarJ S RajoriyaB K OjhaA K SinghD DeshpandeP ChoubeyA RajeG K MishraPonraj PerumalPublished in: Reproduction in domestic animals = Zuchthygiene (2023)
The present study was undertaken to assess the effects of stem extract of Tinospora cordifolia (Giloy or Guduchi) in the semen extender on seminal parameters, leakage of intracellular enzymes and antioxidants in semen of Sahiwal bull. A total of 48 ejaculates from four bulls were selected for the study. Spermatozoa of 25×10 6 were incubated in 100, 300 and 500 μg of stem extract of Guduchi as Gr II, III and IV, respectively and pre-freeze and post-thaw semen samples were analysed for seminal parameters (motility, viability, total sperm abnormality; TSA, plasma membrane integrity; PMI, and acrosomal integrity; AcI), intracellular enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase; AST and lactate dehydrogenase; LDH) and seminal antioxidants (superoxide dismutase; SOD and catalase) in comparison with an untreated control group (Gr I). The results revealed that stem extract treated semen had significantly (p<0.05) higher motility, viability, PMI, AcI, SOD and catalase and had significantly (p<0.05) lower TSA, AST and LDH compared to those in untreated control group at pre-freeze and post-thaw stages. Semen treated with 100 μg stem extract /25×10 6 spermatozoa had significantly (p<0.05) higher motility, viability, PMI, AcI, SOD and catalase and had significantly (p<0.05) lower TSA, AST and LDH compared to those in control, 300, and 500 μg treated groups at pre-freeze and post-thaw stages. Further, these seminal parameters and antioxidants were showing decreasing trend and TSA and leakage of intra-cellular enzymes were showing increasing trend from Gr II to Gr IV at pre-freeze and post-thaw stages. Thus, 100 μg/25×10 6 spermatozoa were optimum or suitable dose for cryopreservation of Sahiwal bull semen. The study concluded that T. cordifolia stem extract 100 μg/25×10 6 spermatozoa in the semen extender can be effectively utilized to reduce the oxidative stress and improve the pre-freeze and post-thaw seminal parameters in Sahiwal bull. However, further studies on effects of different concentrations of stem extract on in-vitro or in-vivo fertility trials are to be conducted to assess the impact of the stem extract supplementation in the semen extender on field pregnancy outcome in bovine species.