Inflammatory Markers and Episodic Memory Functioning in Depressive Disorders.
Katarzyna WachowskaJanusz Zbigniew SzemrajJanusz ŚmigielskiPiotr GałeckiPublished in: Journal of clinical medicine (2022)
Depression is a psychiatric disorder that is observed to be associated with changes in levels of inflammatory markers and deterioration in cognitive functioning. Here, we combined the biochemical tests of IL-1 and IL-6 serum levels and the expressions of genes encoding these interleukins with cognitive assessment of episodic memories, and examined 50 depressed patients and 37 healthy participants. Results confirmed increased serum levels of IL-1 and IL-6 in the study group when compared to healthy volunteers. Moreover, episodic memory, in terms of answering structured questions (but not free recollection of past events) deteriorated among depressed patients. The described parameters neither correlated with each other nor with the two measures of severity of depression-HDRS score and years of psychiatric treatment. Although both observed dysfunctions-cognitive and immune-among depressed patients are confirmed, they do not seem to covary in the present study.