Phylogenetic analyses of the genus Aeromonas based on housekeeping gene sequencing and its influence on systematics.
A NavarroAntonio Martínez-MurciaPublished in: Journal of applied microbiology (2018)
The phylogenies derived from housekeeping gene sequence alignments, although mere evolutionary hypotheses, have increased our knowledge about the Aeromonas genetic diversity, providing a robust species delineation framework invaluable for reliable, easy and fast species identification. Previous classifications of Aeromonas, have been fully surpassed by recently developed phylogenetic (natural) classification obtained from the analysis of so-called 'molecular chronometers'. Despite ribosomal RNAs cannot split all known Aeromonas species, the conserved nature of 16S rRNA offers reliable alignments containing mosaics of sequence signatures which may serve as targets of genus-specific oligonucleotides for subsequent identification/detection tests in samples without culturing. On the contrary, some housekeeping genes coding for proteins show a much better chronometric capacity to discriminate highly related strains. Although both, species and loci, do not all evolve at exactly the same rate, published Aeromonas phylogenies were congruent to each other, indicating that, phylogenetic markers are synchronized and a concatenated multigene phylogeny, may be 'the mirror' of the entire genomic relationships. Thanks to MLPA approaches, the discovery of new Aeromonas species and strains of rarely isolated species is today more frequent and, consequently, should be extensively promoted for isolate screening and species identification. Although, accumulated data still should be carefully catalogued to inherit a reliable database.