As the world population rises, the demand for protein increases, leading to a widening gap in protein supply. There is an unprecedented interest in the development of alternative proteins, but their allergenicity has raised consumer concerns. This review aims to highlight and correlate the current research status of allergenicity studies on alternative proteins based on previously published studies. Current research keywords, hotspots and trends in alternative protein sensitization were analyzed using a mixed-method approach that combined bibliometric analysis and literature review. According to the bibliometric analysis, current research is primarily focused on food science, agriculture, and immunology. There are significant variations in the type and amount of allergens found in alternative proteins. A significant amount of research has been focused on studying plant-based proteins and the cross-reactivity of insect proteins. The allergenicity of alternative proteins has not been studied extensively or in depth. The allergenicity of other alternative proteins and the underlying mechanisms warrant further study. In addition, the lack of a standardized allergy assessment strategy calls for additional efforts by international organizations and collaborations among different countries. This review provides new research and regulatory perspectives for the safe utilization of alternative proteins in human food systems.