Underwater endoscopic papillectomy for a small neuroendocrine tumor of the ampulla of Vater.

Shinya MatsumuraOsamu DohiDaiki SoneRyuichi MoritaTomoki SakakidaNaoto IwaiToshifumi DoiTakeshi IshikawaHideyuki KonishiYoshito Itoh
Published in: Clinical journal of gastroenterology (2024)
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) of the ampulla of Vater are rare. Therefore, there is a lack of comprehensive information regarding their pathogenesis. We herein present the case of a patient with a 5-mm ampullary NET who demonstrated the presence of lymphatic invasion after undergoing endoscopic papillectomy. A 44-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for treatment of a grade 1 NET in the ampulla of Vater. Endoscopic ultrasonography revealed a hypoechoic mass within the submucosal layer without obvious infiltration into the common bile duct or the main pancreatic duct. We performed underwater endoscopic papillectomy (UEP) to remove the tumor with a negative margin. Pathological evaluation of the resected specimen showed a grade 1 NET with a negative margin. However, pancreaticoduodenectomy was subsequently performed because of the risk of lymph node metastasis, which was expected due to the significant number of NET cells infiltrating the endothelium of the lymphatic vessels. No lymph node metastasis or recurrence was observed during the 26-month follow-up period. UEP is a useful method to achieve complete resection for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. UEP may be a novel option for endoscopic treatment of ampullary NET.