Giant cavernous haemangioma in cavernous sinus.
Nícollas Nunes RabeloPedro Henrique Silveira ChavesMarco Antônio de OliveiraLeandro Urquiza Marques Alves da SilvaMichelli Bárbara PintoPublished in: British journal of neurosurgery (2020)
The aim of this article is show the neuroimaging, the pathological analysis and makes a brief review regarding to a giant cavernous haemangioma located in cavernous sinus in a 72 years old patient. A brief review was made in the literature searching for the key words "hemangioma" and "cavernous sinus" in the databases PubMed and Scielo for the last ten years. The images addressed were obtained by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in FLAIR, T1 and T1-weighted contrast-enhanced. The intracranial cavernous haemangiomas are rare conditions that comprise from 0,1 to 4% of intracranial vascular malformations. Diagnosis is made by MRI, when available SPECT (99mTc) is used to confirm and the treatment is done surgically with complement of radiotherapy and radiosurgery. The reported neuroimaging and pathological analysis show a giant cavernous hemangioma in cavernous sinus, a benign neoplasm involving the left internal carotid artery and maintaining contact with the contralateral internal carotid artery formed by abundant vascular structures, but without the presence of a muscular tunic.