CAROTIDSCORE.RU-The first Russian computer program for risk stratification of postoperative complications of carotid endarterectomy.
Anton Nikolaevich KazantsevI A AbdullaevL B DanilchukV A ShramkoAlexander Vladimirovich KorotkikhK P ChernykhGsh BagdavadzeA S ZharovaE U KharchilavaRyu LiderYeG KazantsevaA B ZakeryayevD V ShmatovV N KravchukK L ZakharovaS V ArtyukhovH K BhandI A ChernyavtsevA A ErofeevS M KhorkovaK A KulikovV A LutsenkoV V MatusevichDyu MorozovK S PeshekhonovR V SultanovN E ZarkuaD D KhasanovaN Y SerovaR A ShaikhutdinovaO O GavrilovaE O AlekseevaA S KleschenogovP V SukhoruchkinD B TaitsB M TaitsP D PalaginO V LebedevM V AlekseevYuV BelovPublished in: Vascular (2022)
CarotidSCORE ( is able to determine the likelihood of postoperative complications in patients undergoing CEE.