High-resolution respirometry (HRR) can assess peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) bioenergetics, but no standardized medium for PBMC preparation and HRR analysis exist. Here, we study the effect of four different media (MiR05, PBS, RPMI, Plasmax) on the count, size, and HRR (Oxygraph-O2k) of intact PBMCs. Remarkably, the cell count was 21 % higher when PBMCs were resuspended in MiR05 than in PBS or Plasmax, causing O 2 flux underestimation during HRR due to inherent adjustments. Moreover, smaller cell size and cell aggregation was observed in MiR05. Based on our findings, we propose that Plasmax, PBS or RPMI is more suitable than MiR05 for HRR of intact PBMCs. We provide oxygen solubility factors for Plasmax and PBS and encourage further optimization of a standardized HRR protocol for intact PBMCs.