Low-cost wound protector for laparoscopic surgeries.

Carlos Augusto Metidieri MenegozzoCristiane Prestes DA Rosa OliveiraRoberto RasslanFelipe KfouriAlberto BitranRenato Silveira LealSérgio Henrique Bastos DamousEdivaldo Massazo Utiyama
Published in: Revista do Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes (2024)
The role of wound protectors in laparoscopic surgeries is highly controversial in the literature. Some studies demonstrate their benefit in reducing the rate of surgical site infections; however, these results are not reproducible across all procedures. In addition to protecting the operative wound, these devices can be used at sites of surgical specimen extraction in laparoscopic procedures. Several commercially available devices serve this purpose but are scarcely available in resource-limited settings. One of the reasons for this limitation is the cost of the device. In this technical note, we aim to provide a cost-effective option utilizing materials readily available in the operating room and with a simple fabrication process.