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Mechanically controlled multifaceted dynamic transformations in twisted organic crystal waveguides.

Mehdi RohullahVuppu Vinay PradeepShruti SinghRajadurai Chandrasekar
Published in: Nature communications (2024)
This study introduces mechanically induced phenomena such as standing, leaning, stacking, and interlocking behaviors in naturally twisted optical waveguiding microcrystals on a substrate. The microscale twisted crystal self-assembled from 2,4-dibromo-6-(((2-bromo-5-fluorophenyl)imino)methyl)phenol is flexible and emits orange fluorescence. Mechanistic analysis reveals the strain generated by the intergrowing orientationally mismatched nanocrystallites is responsible for the twisted crystal growth. The crystal's mechanical flexibility in the perpendicular direction to (001) and (010) planes can be attributed to intermolecular Br···Br, F···Br, and π···π stacking interactions. Through a systematic process involving step-by-step bending and subsequent optical waveguiding experiments at each bent position, a linear relationship between optical loss and mechanical strain is established. Additionally, the vertical standing and leaning of these crystals at different angles on a flat surface and the vertical stacking of multiple crystals reveal the three-dimensional aspects of organic crystal waveguides, introducing light trajectories in a 3D space. Furthermore, the integration of two axially interlocked twisted crystals enables the coupling of polarization rotation along their long axis. These crystal dynamics expand the horizons of crystal behavior and have the potential to revolutionize various applications, rendering these crystals invaluable in the realm of crystal-related science and technology.