Acute heart failure (AHF) is a frequent cause for emergency consultations, leads to long hospital stays and is characterized by high mortality and rehospitalization rates, with the first months after hospitalization having the highest risk («vulnerable phase»). The clinical presentation is usually characterized by fluid accumulation. Over the last three decades, few advances have been achieved in the treatment of AHF, as most studies with diuretics or vasodilators failed to show positive effects in terms of mortality and rehospitalization rates. In this context, the treatment of AHF must have an integrative approach, consisting of rapid correction of systemic congestion on the one hand, and specific therapies for the precipitating factors, the underlying cardiac pathology, and non-cardiac comorbidities on the other. Recently, it has been shown that a rapid and intensive up-titration of oral heart failure medical therapy during and immediately after hospitalization can improve the prognosis during the vulnerable phase after AHF. In this article, the principles of optimization and personalization of diuretic therapy and oral heart failure medication during hospitalization and the early outpatient phase after AHF are discussed.