Quality assessment of the wide-angle detection option planned at the high-intensity/extended Q -range SANS diffractometer KWS-2 combining experiments and McStas simulations.
Aurel RadulescuPublished in: Journal of applied crystallography (2024)
For a reliable characterization of materials and systems featuring multiple structural levels, a broad length scale from a few ångström to hundreds of nanometres must be analyzed and an extended Q range must be covered in X-ray and neutron scattering experiments. For certain samples or effects, it is advantageous to perform such characterization with a single instrument. Neutrons offer the unique advantage of contrast variation and matching by D-labeling, which is of great value in the characterization of natural or synthetic polymers. Some time-of-flight small-angle neutron scattering (TOF-SANS) instruments at neutron spallation sources can cover an extended Q range by using a broad wavelength band and a multitude of detectors. The detectors are arranged to cover a wide range of scattering angles with a resolution that allows both large-scale morphology and crystalline structure to be resolved simultaneously. However, for such analyses, the SANS instruments at steady-state sources operating in conventional monochromatic pinhole mode rely on additional wide-angle neutron scattering (WANS) detectors. The resolution must be tuned via a system of choppers and a TOF data acquisition option to reliably measure the atomic to mesoscale structures. The KWS-2 SANS diffractometer at Jülich Centre for Neutron Science allows the exploration of a wide Q range using conventional pinhole and lens focusing modes and an adjustable resolution Δλ/λ between 2 and 20%. This is achieved through the use of a versatile mechanical velocity selector combined with a variable slit opening and rotation frequency chopper. The installation of WANS detectors planned on the instrument required a detailed analysis of the quality of the data measured over a wide angular range with variable resolution. This article presents an assessment of the WANS performance by comparison with a McStas [Willendrup, Farhi & Lefmann (2004). Physica B , 350 , E735-E737] simulation of ideal experimental conditions at the instrument.