The phenylborate-ester-cross-linked hydrogel microneedle patch (MNP) was promising in the diabetic field for the glucose-responsive insulin-delivering property and simple fabrication process. However, the unfit design of the charging microneedle network limited the improvement of blood-glucose regulating performances. In this work, insulin-loaded phenylborate-ester-cross-linked MNPs, with the polyzwitterion property, were constructed based on the modified ε-polylysine and poly(vinyl alcohol). The relationship between the charging nature of the MNP network and insulin release was verified by regulating the content of postprotonated positively charged amino groups. The elaborately designed MNP possessed improved glucose-responsive insulin-delivering performance. The in vivo study revealed the satisfactory results on blood-glucose regulation by the optimized MNP under the mimic three-meal-per-day mode. Moreover, the insulin bioactivity in the MNP could be maintained for 2 weeks under 25 °C. In summary, this work developed an effective strategy to improve the glucose-responsive phenylborate-ester-cross-linked MNP and enhance its potential for clinical transformation.