High Speed Video Documentation of the Mosquito Sabethes albiprivus Egg-Catapulting Oviposition Behavior (Diptera: Culicidae).
Genilton VieiraMaria Ignez Lima BersotGlauber Rocha PereiraFilipe Vieira Santos de AbreuAgostinho Cardoso Nascimento-PereiraMaycon Sebastião Alberto Santos NevesMaria Goreti Rosa-FreitasMonique Albuquerque MottaRicardo Lourenço de OliveiraPublished in: Neotropical entomology (2020)
The oviposition behavior of mosquitoes varies between species. We documented the unusual mechanism of egg laying in the mosquito Sabethes albiprivus Theobald with the aid of high speed video recordings in the laboratory. A sapucaia (Lecythis pisonis Camb.) nut oviposition trap, described herein, was used to simulate a tree hole with a small opening, which is the natural larval habitat of Sa. albiprivus. We showed that females approach the opening and perform a sequence of rapid, short up-and-down flights before egg laying. At this time, the egg is already visible externally, being held at the very tip of the abdomen. Females catapult one egg at a time by rapidly curling their abdomen downward, sending the egg through the opening while their legs are positioned in different configurations throughout the event. The estimated velocity of the catapulted eggs was almost 1 m/s.