Harnessing Variabilities in Digital Melt Curves for Accurate Identification of Bacteria.
Pei-Wei LeeLiben ChenKuangwen HsiehAmelia TraylorTza-Huei WangPublished in: Analytical chemistry (2023)
Digital PCR combined with high resolution melt (HRM) is an emerging method for identifying pathogenic bacteria with single cell resolution via species-specific digital melt curves. Currently, the development of such digital PCR-HRM assays entails first identifying PCR primers to target hypervariable gene regions within the target bacteria panel, next performing bulk-based PCR-HRM to examine whether the resulting species-specific melt curves possess sufficient interspecies variability (i.e., variability between bacterial species), and then digitizing the bulk-based PCR-HRM assays with melt curves that have high interspecies variability via microfluidics. In this work, we first report our discovery that the current development workflow can be inadequate because a bulk-based PCR-HRM assay that produces melt curves with high interspecies variability can, in fact, lead to a digital PCR-HRM assay that produces digital melt curves with unwanted intraspecies variability (i.e., variability within the same bacterial species), consequently hampering bacteria identification accuracy. Our subsequent investigation reveals that such intraspecies variability in digital melt curves can arise from PCR primers that target nonidentical gene copies or amplify nonspecifically. We then show that computational in silico HRM opens a window to inspect both interspecies and intraspecies variabilities and thus provides the missing link between bulk-based PCR-HRM and digital PCR-HRM. Through this new development workflow, we report a new digital PCR-HRM assay with improved bacteria identification accuracy. More broadly, this work can serve as the foundation for enhancing the development of future digital PCR-HRM assays toward identifying causative pathogens and combating infectious diseases.