During the past four decades, ultrasound has become popular as an imaging modality applied to the musculoskeletal (MSK) system, particularly outside the USA, due to its low cost, accessibility, and lack of ionizing radiation. A basic requirement in performing these examinations is to have a core group of radiologists and ultrasound technologists with expertise in MSK ultrasound. The extent to which ultrasound will be part of the imaging offered by a particular radiology practice or in an academic institution will vary according to expertise, availability, and reimbursements. A brief discussion of the technical capabilities of the current generation of ultrasound scanners will be followed by a description of some of the more prevalent MSK ultrasound imaging applications. The extent to which training to perform these exams within and outside of Radiology plays a role is discussed. Applications that are unique to ultrasound, such as dynamic evaluation of musculoskeletal anatomy and some, US-guided interventions are an important part of MSK imaging. Ultrasound is increasingly important in the assessment of superficial structures, such as tendons, small joints, and peripheral nerves. These applications help to establish the place of ultrasound as an important part of the Radiologists approach to MSK imaging. Outside of radiology, for a variety of clinical subspecialties, ultrasound already plays an integral role in MSK imaging.