Two new species of the genus Samarangopus and the first record of Eurypauropusjaponicus (Arthropoda, Myriapoda, Pauropoda, Eurypauropodidae) from China.
Yan GaoYun BuPublished in: ZooKeys (2023)
Two new species, Samarangopustestudineus sp. nov. from Hunan, South China and S.rotundifolius sp. nov. from Zhejiang, East China, are described and illustrated. Samarangopustestudineus sp. nov. is characterized by unusual testudinal patterns on the dorsal side of the body and well-differentiated marginal protuberances on tergites. Samarangopusrotundifolius sp. nov. features large, round, leaf-shaped marginal protuberances and small, candle-like dorsal protuberances on tergites. Both of these species are compared to similar species in detail. In addition, Eurypauropusjaponicus Hagino & Scheller, 1985 is newly recorded from China.