The interplay between ovule number, pollination and resources as determinants of seed set in a modular plant.
Marina M StrelinMarcelo Adrián AizenPublished in: PeerJ (2018)
Results reveal the importance of ovule number as an overriding factor affecting seed set. Within inflorescences, resources appear to be differentially allocated to developing fruits from flowers with many ovules. This is consistent with the fact that in the raspberry a large proportion of the carbon invested in fruit development is fixed by the inflorescence subtending leaf. Differential resource allocation to flowers with many ovules is not affected by pollinator exclusion, being stronger in resource-exhausted ramets. This suggests that the effects of pollen limitation and resource allocation are compartmentalized at the inflorescence level. Consequently, modular plants can be viewed as reproductive mosaics where either ovule number, pollination or resources limit the number of seeds set by different flowers, so that improvements in any of them could increase plant seed production.